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 Pr. DEBABECHE Mahmoud

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Under the framework of the Mobility Program Erasmus+ KA107 that pursued by the Inter-Institutional Agreement (IIA) between UNIVERSITE DE BISKRA and UNIVERSITA DI PISA, We are pleased to inform Student (Master One), in Architecture et urbanisme that we have 2 Students Mobility for Studies. The nominated applicants will spend 5 Months at UNIVERSITA DI PISA (The selected students will study the 1st Semester "Master 2" at the receiving university 2022-2023)

Remark: There is an attached file to be consulted

Under the framework of the Mobility Program Erasmus+ KA107 that pursued by the Inter-Institutional Agreement (IIA) between our university and Politecnico di Bari University, Italy, we are pleased to inform the students in Architecture that we have 3 Students Mobility for Studies. Each nominated

applicant will spend 3 Months at Politecnico di Bari University.

di bari

The PhD Specialties concerned are :

(0730) Architecture et construction
(0731) Architecture et urbanisme

The schedule for this call is as follows :

Submission Deadlines :26/03/2022
Study of the applicants files :27/03/2022
Nomination List :30/03/2022

To participate:








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