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 Pr. DEBABECHE Mahmoud

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​​The fundamental objectives are to increase the resilience of the territory to the challenges posed by climate change by ensuring equity, inclusion and cultural sustainability, and trigger processes of ecological transition and social innovation​.



Transversal to these topics is the enhancement of the Berber cultural heritage, which operationally speaking is enhanced and integrated with the poltechnical research lines through tools that pertain to Social Sciences.


Optimize Water Resources

The water resource management is optimized by combining practices of oasis systems, new models and technologies. The research on water management will enable us to evaluate the impact of agricultural activities and their effectiveness in managing the territory against desertification.



Enhance Historical Buildings

​​Preservation and enhance historical buildings by adapting their safety, comfort and sustainability to facilitate widespread and conscious recovery. ​AMAZING will contribute locally to the mitigation of the impact of extreme environmental conditions on buildings, through the co-design of climate-responsive and climate-resilient building adaptation, with assessment of the sustainability of the interventions (energy improvement and reduction of vulnerability). ​ 



Circular Economy

Safe and sustainable historical heritage, favoring circular supply chains for the production of building materials, with a focus on a pilot school-site relevant to the local and scientific community. The circular supply chain linked to the new materials under study (UBiskra-UAnnaba-PoliMi) has direct relevance for the sustainable development of the local economy



Project Website :


Description​​AMAZING aims to contribute to making the Wadi Abiod valley, today one of the driest of the Aurès, the center of an active network of knowledge production, able to combine technology and traditional sciences in man​aging climatic, natural and social challenges.

The rural population of Aurès, which in the 1960s made up 70% of those settled in these valleys, today represents less than 15%. This process threatens the survival of the community standing as the last custodian of a wealth of knowledge that for millennia has made the area habitable and productive. The main problems that lead the local population to migrate to urban centers or new settlements (often of poor quality) include:

  • ​​the complex orography, the loss of efficiency of water management in a context in the process that is heading for desertification
  • the limited comfort of traditional homes compared to contemporary standards.

Consequences of these critical issues are environmental loss of aggregation of the social fabric.


Project Website :


​​The rural population of Aurès, which in the 1960s made up 70% of those settled in these valleys, today represents less than 15%. This process threatens the survival of the community standing as the last custodian of a wealth of knowledge that for millennia has made the area habitable and productive. The main problems that lead the local population to migrate to urban centers or new settlements (often of poor quality) include:

  • ​​the complex orography, the loss of efficiency of water management in a context in the process that is heading for desertification
  • the limited comfort of traditional homes compared to contemporary standards.

Consequences of these critical issues are environmental loss of aggregation of the social fabric.



Le projet EL@N, projet national conjoint, s’inscrit dans la lignée des priorités nationales établies dans le cadre des projets Erasmus+. Le consortium mis en place dans le cadre de ce projet se compose de 6 centres de langues (CEILs) des universités algériennes de Tlemcen, Biskra, Bejaia, Guelma, Ouargla, et Oran, assurant ainsi une couverture géographique assez représentative du territoire algérien ainsi que 4 universités européennes: Sapienza de Rome, Université Valencienne, Santiago de Compostela et l’université d’Istanbul.

Par le projet EL@N, nous aspirons à la promotion du plurilinguisme et du dialogue interculturel via une modernisation des pratiques d’enseignement au niveau des CEILs. Il s’agit de renforcer les compétences d’une part, du personnel des CEILs à tous les niveaux (enseignant, technique et administratif). D’autre part, nous axons le projet sur le développement des compétences linguistiques et interculturelles des apprenants. Nous voulons promouvoir un enseignement des langues de qualité en adoptant une approche intégrée, inclusive, flexible, innovante et basée sur les technologies d’information et de communication (TIC). Le projet EL@N se propose de répondre en priorité aux besoins de la communauté universitaire, étudiants à tous les niveaux (LMD) et enseignants chercheurs et de faire face aux contraintes liées à l’apprentissage des langues étrangères et des problèmes afférents. EL@N vise à proposer des formations adaptées à différents publics cibles, et ce, en ligne afin de palier aux problèmes d’éloignement et de temps (zones rurales, emploi du temps chargé des étudiants et staff…), et de former les apprenants en conformité avec les besoins spécifiques du monde socio-économique et du marché du travail.

Official Website


Full Name

Enseignement des Langues 2.0



€ 754,300 EUR


Erasmus+, KA2 – Capacity building in the Field of higher education


Project Duration

Start Date: 2019
End Date: 2023


Project No.


Contact Persons

  Prof. Ali Hamza Cherif This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Coordinateur du projet, Vice Rector of External Relations, +213 43 41 11 93
  Prof. Amal Hassaine This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Kazi Tani Chef du projet EL@N
  Dr. Omar BEHADADA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  MME. HADJIRA KARA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
  Prof. Youcefi Fatma This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Responsable de la Cellule Assurance Qualité

DigitaQThumbThe DIGITAQ project aims to set up a federative and collaborative information system to support quality assurance activities by digitalization of data and information collection and analysis processes. DIGITAQ will provide the quality assurance activity in Algeria with an information system operating in a network, based on a national database, able to meet all operational and prospective needs. Thanks to the Quality Assurance platform, every stakeholder, wherever they are, can access an unprecedented amount of information. The overall objective is to provide methodological and systemic support to enable the various stakeholders to implement and sustain quality assurance practices.

Official Website 


Full Name

Création de Capacités Digitales pour le Pilotage de l’Assurance Qualité dans l’Enseignement Supérieur Algérien


€ 905.594,00 EUR


Erasmus+, KA2 – Capacity building in the Field of higher education

Project Duration

Start Date: January 15, 2021
End Date: January 14, 2024

Project No.


Contact Person

Anne-Laurence Pastorini This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.








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