1st day of the Local Training Days for the DIGITAQ Project at Biskra University

On the morning of Monday, May 20, 2024, the special training days for the DIGITAQ project began in the main lecture hall, organized by the project team at Biskra University. The event was attended by university officials and executives, including the Secretary-General, Vice Rectors, Deans, Department Heads, professors, and students.

The first day of the training program was inaugurated by Professor Safieddine Ounis, Vice Rector for External Relations and Scientific Events, on behalf of the University Rector. He emphasized that these days are an opportunity to exchange expertise and knowledge in light of current digital technological advancements. This initiative reflects efforts to enhance higher education and scientific research. He pointed out that the project's goals are to develop digital capabilities for quality assurance management in higher education institutions and to keep up with the latest developments in technology and digitization.

Following this, Professor El Eid Kahoul, Head of the University's Quality Assurance Cell and project coordinator, highlighted the content of the three-day training program, which will be conducted by team members. The first day will be an informative introduction to the DIGITAQ project, its goals, and challenges. The second day will delve into concepts related to the project, and the final day will be dedicated to students, allowing them to ask various questions and share different perspectives and suggestions through practical workshops in the computer halls at the central library.

This is part of the DIGITAQ Biskra team's efforts to familiarize and bring together the university community, including professors and students, with the endeavors of the project's members. The DIGITAQ project aims to provide quality assurance in higher education in Algeria through an information system operating on a national database capable of meeting all needs, utilization, and forecasting. This system will enable the creation of key performance indicators and reliable information to make informed decisions for improving the management and quality of training and research.

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External Relations, Cooperation, Animation, Communication and Scientific Events.- UNIVERSITY OF BISKRA -

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